Founder-President, Stylist
Crissy started in the beauty business in 1989, her love for fashion, beauty and accessories began as a young girl. In the summers she would visit her Aunt Henni and Uncle John, Henni owned a chain of shoe stores, Shoes Plus in NJ and Crissy loved going to work with her and helping her in the stores. What girl doesn’t love shoes and accessories? By sixteen she became a self taught nail technician doing all of her girlfriend’s nails pre prom. Watching her parents work hard and create their own businesses was the best education for her (Lee’s Martial Arts and Jeff Canter’s Car World). By the time she was twenty years old she received her cosmetology license and began making a name for herself as a hair stylist.
In March 1997 Crissy bought the properties at 1224 Hanover Street as a single mother with the hopes of providing her daughter and herself with a bright future. She built her salon and lived right next door with Sawyer.
After a few years she took a break from the industry to raise her daughters, Dante and Sawyer and to spend time with her girlfriend, Marilyn, who was courageously battling breast cancer. Crissy, coming from the hectic fast paced world of hairstyling never really understood the benefits of spas. Until she saw how spa time brought so much peace and happiness to her dearest friend Marilyn. That’s when she realized she needed to be a part of this wonderful world of spa. She needed to create the ultimate spa experience for everyone at affordable prices. She wanted a spa that had all the services and amenities of a resort spa but in a boutique style setting with the ultimate candy store for women with the latest and greatest beauty products available today.
As a woman, a mother, and as a friend, Crissy understands the benefits of taking time for yourself to recharge. She loves putting a smile on people’s faces. To her that’s priceless.
When she started her spa dream, Crissy remembered her cousin, Cynthia’s wise words (Right Arm Productions) “When you are creating something you need “One Word” that says it all.” So from there Crissy and Sawyer (9 years old) went back and forth trying to find that perfect name until Sawyer said “Chill Out” and Crissy said “Perfect CHILL it is!” Thanks to sweet Sawyer she helped Crissy put a name to her dream.
In 2005 chill started to become a reality. For Crissy to build an addition to her building she needed to create a parking lot. So she literally moved the little house that Sawyer and her lived in 200 feet over to the right. The digging began for the new chill parking lot and construction was underway.
The timing of creating chill was not in her favor, the market was heading south and people were cutting back especially on non necessities. Her friends and family were concerned. But nothing was going to stop her from sharing the importance and benefits of chill time and creating the perfect place for people to escape the stress of everyday life, recharge, look and feel great. Chill started from scratch, no clients, no business plan just extreme love of the industry. Chill was built on artistic gut instinct and passion to help and nurture others. Crissy just wanted to work with amazing women who share similar dreams. Crissy could not have created chill into the fabulous place it is today without all the love, support and dedication of her Amazing, Kind-Hearted coworkers/friends, family and fabulous daughters, Sawyer and Dante.
A Special Thank you to our amazing clients, family and friends for their love and support. We are always here for you!
Be Kind. Be Real. Be Positive.
…just chill
Specialty: Creativity, Designing, having too much fun
Favorite Product: Revitalash
Fun fact: Total Goofball and chill Poncho designer